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A Pot

Wednesday, April 2

After picking up a new plant last week, I was in need of another plant pot.  After some searching (see everything I found on Pinterest here), I settled on this awesome DIY from The Wedding Chicks.  I won’t run through the details here because they explain it beautifully already – but it was super easy!
I picked up all supplies at Michael’s – although I have to warn you that the adhesive and sealer in the Mona Lisa Gold Leaf starter kit were definitely past their prime. They had the consistency of a marshmallow. Seriously. If you want to try this yourself, I’d suggest picking up the individual containers of adhesive, sealant, and a package of gold leaf, so that you can ensure the consistency is right from the start. I didn't use the base coat or antiquing glaze anyway. 
I still need to transplant the plant into the pot but I’ve been waiting for a “nice” day so I can do it outside… Given that we just got another blast of sleet and snow, it may be awhile…

Please don't judge my poor sad fiddle leaf fig. To say we don't get a lot of light would be a massive understatement.


  1. love it! and I'm SO jealous that you found a fiddle fig! I'm still searching.

  2. Isn't it great when you stick to your guns and it turns out well! Of course, the odd time when it doesn't I can always tell myself "it's just paint" and try again :)


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